プレスリリース    2007/10/8
坂本ファニタさん <父は広島県出身 1927年(S2)生まれ>
吉川メレシアさん <父は長崎県出身 1918年(T7)生まれ>


坂本ファニタさんと吉川メレシアさんは、平成17年10月12日、河合弘之、青木秀茂ほか4名からなる弁護士(所属さくら共同法律事務所)を申立人代理人とし、前者は日本人父親坂本タケイチとフィリピン人母マリア・ロサリ・デラ・クルズの次女として、後者は日本人父親吉川マサタロウとフィリピン人母カルメン・カルリングの長女として、東京家庭裁判所に就籍申立を行いました(坂本:事件番号 平成17年(家)第9149号 吉川:事件番号 平成17年(家)第9153号)。


    10月 8日(月) PM 3:30〜  マニラ・ダイヤモンドホテルCitrin & Emeraldにて
    10月 9日(火) PM 4:30〜  東京地方裁判所内 司法記者クラブにて                                         
特定非営利活動法人 フィリピン日系人リーガルサポートセンター(PNLSC)
〒160-0004 新宿区四谷1-21 戸田ビル4階  Tel 03-3355-8861
Fax 03-3355-8862  E-mail info@pnlsc.com  HP http://www.pnlsc.com

Tokyo Family Court permits
two Philippine Nikkei-jin
to create their own Japanese family registries

Two Petitioners:
Juanita Sakamoto, 80. Her father came from Hiroshima.
Melecia Yoshikawa, 89. Her father came from Nagasaki.

The Tokyo Family Court decided to give permission to two war-displaced Japanese decedents in the Philippines to create their own family registries in Japan. Ms. Sakamoto Juanita, the second oldest daughter of Mr. Takeichi Sakamoto, Japanese, and Ms. Maria Rosalia Dela Cruz, Filipino, and Ms. Melecia Yoshikawa, the oldest daughter of Mr. Masutaro Yoshikawa, Japanese, and Ms. Carmen Cal-ling, Filipino, were given the permission on September 28 and on October 4, 2007, respectively. These were the first Shuseki decisions given to the Philippine Nikkei-jin whose fathers’ Koseki has not been located, although being the 3rd and 4th Shuseki permission after Idebata sisters’ cases judged in February 2006.

Ms. Sakamoto and Ms. Yoshikawa filed the petitions on October 12, 2005 through Attorney Hiroyuki Kawai and his five colleagues. The news of the decisions will be passed to the two women on October 8, 2007 at a Manila hotel and their signed Shuseki documents shall be filed on the following day in Chiyoda Ward Office, Tokyo, where their new Koseki is created.

Press Conference
1) October 8, 2007, at 3:30PM
at Citrin & Emerald, Diamond Hotel in Pasay City, Manila, Philippines
2) October 9, 2007, at 4:30 PM
at Kisha Club in Tokyo District Court, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Philippine Nikkei-Jin Legal Support Center (PNLSC)
Tokyo Office: Fax: 03-3355-8862, E-mail: info@pnlsc.com, HP:http://www.pnlsc.com
Philippine Office: (Ms. Ishii) (63)-919-805-2126