

* 就籍・・・戸籍法110条の規定に基づき、本籍を有しない日本人が、家庭裁判所の許可を得て戸籍を創ること。家庭裁判所が書類を審査し、審判を下す。


Background of Shuseki* Petition
Since the Meiji Restoration of 1867, the Japanese government had encouraged its citizens to migrate overseas, which resulted in over 30,000 Japanese migrants in the Philippines before WWII, the second largest group after the one in Manchuria. Among those residing in the Philippines, about 20,000 engaged in producing abaca (Manila hemp), which led to wealthy migrant society in the Davao area. In fact many Japanese men were married with Filipino women and raised families, adopting themselves to Philippine local communities.

However, at the breakout of WWII, the Japanese migrants were forced to cooperate with Japanese Military’s war efforts, which turned the U.S. Army and Philippine guerrillas against Japanese nationals. After its two-year occupation of the Philippines, Japan was beginning to lose the war. In the war-triggered turmoil, Japanese migrants working for the Japanese Military were killed or taken as hostages, who were repatriated to Japan after the war. On the other hand, most children of those Japanese migrants were left behind, mostly with their Filipino mothers, in the country. Because they became retaliatory targets of Japanese atrocities during the war, they hid their Japanese bloodline and discarded the documents and pictures indicating their Japanese origin. Consequently many were unable to have proper education and had to lead severe lives.

In the 1980s, the movement to organize Japanese descendents who lived scatteringly throughout the Philippines was staged and a number of Nikkei-jin** groups were established across the country. The common challenge for the Nikkei-jin was to recover their identity. Since 2005, the Philippine Nikkei-jin Legal Support Center (PNLSC) has provided assistance by the legal method of Shuseki to second generation Nikkei-jin whose father’s family registry has not been found.

*Shuseki-: Based on Article 110 of the Family Registration Law, Japanese national who does not posses family register can file a petition with a family court in order to get permission to create a new family registry (Koseki).

** Nikkei-jin: A Japanese term for Japanese emigrants and their descendants who have established families and communities in recipient countries.

The Issue of Nationality
A nationality law (“Old Nationality Law” No.66, March 16, 1899) has the regulation stating that “A child of a Japanese father shall become a Japanese citizen” (Article 1). Thus the 2nd generation who were left behind in the Philippines are entitled to have Japanese nationalities on the condition that their father-child relationship was lawful and proved by evidences. Nonetheless, many of them hid their Japanese identity and passed as Filipinos after WWII, and only a few evidences were found as a result, being unable to confirm their Japanese nationalities.

The Importance of this Decision
Approximately 2,500 Japanese descendants (second generation) have survived in the Philippines. Although the PNLSC’s investigation has led to increasing the number of those who located their fathers’ family registry, 800 or so Nikkei-jin have not been yet identified as Japanese despite their evidences. The decision by the Tokyo Family Court was an unprecedented one and will be encouraging news to Philippine Nikkei-jin who are still seeking their Japanese identity and Nikkei-jin society in the Philippines.

特定非営利活動法人 フィリピン日系人リーガルサポートセンター(PNLSC)
〒160-0004 新宿区四谷1-21 戸田ビル4階  Tel 03-3355-8861
Fax 03-3355-8862  E-mail info@pnlsc.com  HP http://www.pnlsc.com